Ooh, we gotta lotta catching up to do, don't we?
I had shoulder surgery, not training much right now.
"Not much" being "some", which is more than I thought I'd be able to do at this point in recovery, so things are moving FAST.
I'm attending all of our classes, although I don't do very much, and what I do is usually with my left hand, only using the right when I have to, and never with any real force.
Easing in, y'all. Easing in.
I've been the one taking pictures for our social media channels for the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup and for our class at Elite Dragon.
That's work enough, lemme tell ya!
Tuesday: Return of the Chick
Thursday: Rank Hath No Privileges
Come find the Stick Chick Blog on MeWe page, on Tumblr and Pinterest and like the Facebook page and follow TSC Blog on Instagram, too. If you missed it, I've decided to continue updating FB & Instagram, as much as I dislike both platforms. The unfortunate truth is that most of y'all are there, so if I want you to see my posts, I gotta be where you are.
PLEASE come to MeWe, ok? :)
Here in Kansas City in August, Grandmaster Shelley Millspaugh is coming back to town, and you should TOTALLY join us for it (Mr. Chick will train and I will be nursing my recovering shoulder on the sidelines). Check out this event HERE.
Datu Tim Hartman has a bunch of events, both online and in person. Like the World Modern Arnis Alliance Facebook page and click HERE for all of the events. I was going to Buffalo in August but surgery derailed that plan.
In October (10/1-10/3) there's a big Modern Arnis Tribute Camp you really should check out. Lots of huge names in Modern Arnis will be teaching there, including SM Dan Anderson, GM Bram Frank, Shinshii Janet Aalfs, Datu Dieter Knüttel, Master of Tapi Tapi Roland Rivera, and GM Bruce Chiu. You really don't want to miss this - I've personally trained with half of these people and they're all super-awesome. I can't be there but if you can, you want to, trust me.
It is possible that I might be able to make the WMAA Camp in Texas in November. Depends on a lot of factors, but I'm making the effort to go.
Shoulder recovery is ahead of schedule - heck, I can *drive*, y'all, which is huge. I'll be going back to my job on Monday, but before then, I'm making a quick trip to see my mom in St. Louis over the weekend.
Slowly, slowly returning to normal. Well, normal for me anyway.
Stay safe, have fun, and keep training!