All righty, let's do this!
We went to visit Older Daughter and Son-In-Law over the weekend, so I didn't train much at all, and we certainly didn't teach anybody.
I'll make up for this this weekend and next, promise.
Because the GAGE Center is closing for a week, and Independence Day is shortly after that... it turns out that this coming Monday will be my last class teaching at Elite Dragon before I get my shoulder surgery.
Wow, that's coming up fast, ya'll.
We'll still be at the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup on Sunday mornings right through to the day before my surgery.
After that, I won't be seen in any class for at least a month. I plan to come back to attend/lead only in month 2, but I won't be doing any training at all. After that, we'll see what the surgeon says.
Wednesday: Using Meetup for the Martial Arts
I post on the regular on our MeWe page, on Tumblr and Pinterest! I also share posts on my personal FB page (not always, but usually).
Right now, you'll find me posting on the Facebook page and Instagram. I am running a test to see if it's worth the effort to post there again.
Speaking of which, I'm running a question about the rules - written and unwritten - of martial arts etiquette at your school, or in places you've trained. I really, really need your help - you can respond to this on MeWe HERE and on Facebook HERE. This may be my last big post I write before I go on surgery hiatus, so help a Chickie out, will ya?
NEXT WEEKEND! We (Kindred Protective Arts and Elite Dragon Martial Arts) are hosting Bruce Chiu of Arnis International! Learn more about GM Chiu and Arnis International on Facebook HERE and on Instagram HERE. You absolutely don't want to miss this if you can possibly make it to Kansas City!

You can learn more at the Facebook event HERE, the MeWe event HERE, and the Meetup HERE. We can't wait to host this event, so please join us!
If you can't make it to Missouri on the last weekend in June, perhaps you can make it to the Progressive Arnis Spring Camp in North Carolina? Details HERE.
After the end of June, I'll be phasing out and handing off my classes to Mr. Chick and others while I recover from shoulder surgery.
Glad to be back in the groove of things this weekend. Not only are we training, it's Father's Day AND we're having a bee-and flower-themed Solstice party on Sunday! Gonna be a fun weekend!
Younger Daughter tests for her next Shotokan Karate rank on Monday before Arnis class, so y'all wish her luck.
Y'all stay safe, have fun, and keep training!