Friday the 13th and a full moon too? BRING IT, Harvest Moon.
My teacher came to town over the weekend, so we worked on school/curriculum stuff, banged some sticks, and helped out the Demo team at Elite Dragon Martial Arts get the weapons/Arnis section of the demo down PAT. They rock.
Had a plumbing problem on Saturday, and our plumber saw our "Armory" and spotted we are kindred spirits! He decided to come try out Arnis at the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup on Sunday. I hope he sticks around - he picked it up quick!
See, you never know who you run across will be willing to train and where you'll run across them! So be prepared to invite folks you meet to train.
Monday was our first Presas Arnis class at Elite Dragon, and it ROCKED! We worked on single sinawali and learning the 12 Angles of Attack from Modern Arnis. We're off to a great start!

Tuesday: Liftoff!
Thursday: Let's Talk About Sticks
You CAN'T AVOID the Stick Chick Blog! I'm on MeWe, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Really, please come join me on MeWe. Let's make it a viable option because Facebook is buggy and awful.
Insert *rimshot* here:

This still makes me giggle every time I look at it. I think it's just I find Chris Pratt's face in this photo just SO FUNNY.

Well, y'all are going to have to get used to me expressing happiness at a Kansas City Chiefs victory. 1-0. 😊
This weekend I'm walking in a parade with Elite Dragon out in Blue Springs, so say "hi" if you recognize me. Plus we have a demo on Sunday. And of course on Sunday I'll be at the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup, and my Chiefs play on Sunday too.
Busy weekend ahead!
Ya'll stay safe, have fun, work hard, and keep training!