BRRRRR! It's too cold to just stand here, let's jump in! I got two weeks to cover, so no time to waste.
In the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup, we've been working on drills that will get us to playing tapi-tapi. That's been a lot of two vs. one drills that bring in various inserts, block-check-counter, and the like.
At Elite Dragon, we promoted several people to their new ranks, and we're excited that we'll be starting a new unit on staff (ditto in the Meetup, so both classes will be working on nearly identical material for the next few months).
I wrote this week about attending the Progressive Arnis Winter Camp over the weekend (see "Back to Staff" below). I admit it was probably the most physical work I've done in maybe a year. I have the blisters and the aches and pains to prove it, but wow, did I have fun and my mind is just a'buzz.

Speaking of aches and pains, I learned that I'm not 100% healed on the hip that got replaced in November - not by a long shot - and while I've been in physical therapy for my right shoulder, I still have a long way to go on that one, too.
But at least it's not just a shrug and "getting old sucks, so suck it up, buttercup!", so I'll take it!
Tuesday: I Am The Passenger
Wednesday: Drive, She Said Thursday: Martial Arts Growth is Not Linear
Wednesday: Back to Staff
Google 'em.

Women of the martial arts! Come join these awesome people at the Partnership of Women Martial Artists symposium in Dallas in May (and yeah, I'm working on attending myself!)

I'm proud to have been chosen to participate as an instructor in the 1st Modern Arnis World Seminar on March 13, 2021! Learn more HERE.

Oh, I'll show you a move, all right.

Well, my beloved Chiefs fell in the Super Bowl to the Buccaneers, but I'm still proud of my guys. Now that the season is over, my Sundays are freed up a bit to take on the amount of staff work I want to add into our curriculum, and that's pretty darn exciting!
Y'all stay WARM (we're hitting record lows this weekend in Kansas City), keep safe, have fun, and keep training.