Half the year is gone, but at the same time, it feels like it's been years since the Chiefs won the Super Bowl.
And this time, it hasn't actually been years.
Anyhoo, let's get into this.
Because of vacations and whatnot, we didn't have the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup this week. People are trying to get in what they can, while they can, and I can certainly understand that.
At Elite Dragon, we covered the half-closed chamber version of single sinawali. As it's the first version I learned of this drill, I sometimes forget how mind-blowing it can be for folks who start out with the open chamber version of it. I wanted to work on a different drill that incorporates single sinawali in the half closed chamber, but we spent most of the class working on the sinawali vs. the drill. That's cool, because it gave us an opportunity to discuss and explore different chambers, so that was nerdy fun.
In case you missed the post about it this week, my teacher promoted Mr. Chick and I to our 3rd Degree Black Belt ranks. Read more about it on Thursday's post below.
Tuesday: THAT GUY: UFC Fanboy
Wednesday: The Gift of the Difficult Student
Thursday: Level Up!
I've made the decision that I'm not going to post on Mondays at all. I post something 7 days a week if only on my Facebook page and in social media, and it's just a little much for me to handle right now. I challenge you to find any martial arts blogger as prolific as I am!
So, on Mondays, I won't be posting. On Tuesdays-Fridays, I'll either share an old post or make a new one. On Saturdays on Facebook, we have "Showdown Saturday" questions. And on Sundays, there will be a funny meme or something on Facebook.
If YOU see something cool - a video, another blog post about the martial arts, a funny meme - feel free to share it with me via your favorite social media channel, ok?
Speaking of which, check out the Stick Chick Blog at MeWe, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram. There's some Stick Chick Blog gear, if you wanna be super-stylish. SHOP HERE
And that's why you don't see me posting a lot of video.

This is seriously spooky.
I have butter, crab, so bring it.

I'm very close to having to cancel my attendance at the last camp I'm scheduled for this year thanks to being quarantined for 2 weeks if I go there based on the state I live in.
Y'all stay safe, have fun, and keep training.