I've been on a sorta break due to illness and a new job, so here's what I've got since the beginning of the year for y'all.
Hope you've been having an easier time of it that I have lately!
Honestly, I haven't gotten much done outside of being able to go to a Kansas City Presas Arnis Session since the New Year.
I've had the worst run of luck of illness that you wouldn't believe, and they've been a week of the flu, a single day feeling okay, and then the literal next day I got a horrible cold, and it's been hard to shake any of them off. So I've spent a lot of time in bed doped up on NyQuil.
BUT I am on the mend, and I hope to fix that shortly.
I also started a new job that is wreaking havoc with my schedule and I haven't settled down yet, but that, too, will be resolved shortly as well.
So, with the illness and work, I haven't been able to write much, but here's what I've written since I last updated with Stick Chicktivity:
Jan 7: Hammer World
Jan 8: Breaking the Law
Jan 9: Ranks, Belts and Shenanigans
Jan 17: THAT GUY: Ranky McGee
My posting schedule is going to change a little bit as my new work schedule settles down, but assuming I don't get the plague or something (with my luck lately, it's not out of the question), things should return to a relatively new normal next week.
Remember, you can find the Stick Chick Blog on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and MeWe, and hey, I've got a Pinterest board, and I post on Google Plus while it's still around.
Note: ANY links to the old blog published before 10/10/18 that you run across online are now broken. They're as gone as the Los Angeles Chargers' hopes of winning the Super Bowl this year.
Elvis Presley's birthday was January 8. So here you go (uhhhhh-huh):

Every Saturday on the Facebook Page I ask a question related to the martial arts in a series I call "Showdown Saturday". Here's the questions I asked, so feel free to go answer them if you haven't already:
Gee, Master Ken had his own THAT GUY he wanted to talk about...
BUT BUT BUT learning MMA fighting is useless for self defense "in the street", right? RIIIGGHT.

And finally, I posted this oldie but a goodie (it cracks me up every time I see it):

Readers of the blog know that I'm a huge Kansas City Chiefs fan (have been for years and years) and so yeah, my thoughts are primarily focused on the fact we're hosting the AFC Championship Game vs. the New England Patriots on Sunday here in Kansas City. I'm so excited!
I hope your new year is more martial arts productive than mine has been so far, so keep training hard and often, kids!