Today is Mr. Chick's birthday, so y'all wish him a good one!
At the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup, we worked on the first pre-determined right on right tapi-tapi pattern.
We've been leading up to this with training a lot of the individual elements, so they caught on immediately. It was a very successful class!
Over at Elite Dragon, we have several new students, so we are working through the defensive responses for the next few classes, starting with #1 (same side block-and-strike, or as it's called in Kombatan - I think - "System 1"). We emphasize the feeding is as important as the defending, so everyone got in a lot of great work. Very productive class!
Tuesday: Style Wars vs. Fraud Busting
Wednesday: What Are Words For?
Thursday: Balancing the (Martial Arts) Force
Come join us on our MeWe page, on Tumblr and Pinterest! There is a Facebook page, but I'm no longer updating it, because as the likes went up, the reach and engagement went down. Not worth the effort if Facebook is going to show people who liked my page advertisements for junk versus my blog posts.
I have started sharing them to my personal FB account, so if we're friends there, maybe you'll see a stray post in your feed once in a while, in-between the ads and the... uh... ads.
My teacher, Mark Lynn, will be teaching three kobudo forms at Elite Dragon on Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15. Of course I'll be there. He's going to join us at the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup on Sunday, May 16, as well, and we plan to train until we just can't any more that day!

If you're interested in the Oyata lineage of Okinawan Kempo, you gotta attend this virtual seminar. Link is HERE.

Meet me (and Mr. Chick) at this awesome seminar in Nashville, TN! Learn more and register HERE.

We (Kindred Protective Arts and Elite Dragon Martial Arts) are hosting Bruce Chiu of Arnis International (on Facebook HERE and on Instagram HERE) in June!

You can learn more at the Facebook event HERE, the MeWe event HERE, and the Meetup HERE. We are SO EXCITED to host this event, and we really hope all y'all will join us!
I've also booked my flight to attend the World Modern Arnis Alliance Remy Presas Memorial Camp in August (event on Facebook HERE).
Today I get my 2nd COVID shot. Hope that I'm one of the lucky ones who don't get any big-time reaction, because I have THINGS TO DO.
Younger daughter is in her first tournament on Sunday - it's just an in-school tournament, but still - and I'm happy she is participating. So y'all send some positive karate vibes her way on Sunday, will ya? Thanks.
Y'all stay safe, have fun, and keep training!